Mold In Your HVAC System: Signs, Prevention & Removal

Metro Duct Cleaners Twin Cities
May 3, 2024

According to the Remove Mold Guide, mold starts growing in HVAC systems for two primary reasons: moisture and nourishment.

The moisture is due to condensation, which typically occurs during warm months.

When your house is warm, water vapor can begin to form on the inside of your air ducts as cold air is pushed through them.

If there is a high level of humidity in the air, the water will begin to collect instead of evaporating.

Any environment with high moisture is a breeding ground for mold.

What makes HVAC systems particularly bad is the air it intakes from the outdoors.

With outside particles continuously being pushed through the ducts, dust tends to collect in them. Dust contains organic materials, such as pollen and skin cells.

These substances are the equivalent of food for mold, providing it the opportunity to grow and multiply. Add in the moisture that’s typically found in these systems, and it’s easy to see why mold is so common.

Signs of Mold in Your HVAC System

If you notice any of the following signs, mold may be growing in your HVAC system

  • You see mold in and around your air ducts, intake vents, and drip pans.
  • There is a strong mildew or mold smell in your home.
  • Family members are coughing, sneezing and/or congested.
  • Your eyes, nose or throat are irritated.
  • Your skin has developed rashes.
  • You or other family members are experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness and/or fatigue.

If you suspect that a mold problem exists in your home, you should address it immediately; in this post, we offer some do-it-yourself methods of mold removal and prevention. Alternatively, many professional companies, such as Metro Duct Cleaners, offer mold removal and duct cleaning services.

Prevent Mold from Growing in Your HVAC with These 6 Steps

If you’ve had past issues with mold forming in your HVAC, following these 6 steps will help prevent the problem from reoccurring:

  1. Replace the air filter on your HVAC system every three months.
  2. Insulate your air ducts. This will reduce the amount of condensation produced.
  3. Run a dehumidifier. When condensation occurs, if the air has a low level of humidity, the condensation will evaporate into the air instead of collecting.
  4. Keep your drip pans clean. Allowing water to pool will promote the growth of mold.
  5. Dry any wet areas within 24 hours. This includes condensation, spills, leaks, etc.
  6. Get your ducts regularly inspected and cleaned by a professional contractor such as Metro Duct Cleaners.

Removing Mold from Your HVAC System

To rid your HVAC system of mold, we recommend hiring a professional to get the job done. follow the steps below:

  1. Turn off your HVAC system.
  2. Put on protective gear. The EPA recommends wearing an N95 air mask, rubber gloves, safety goggles, and coveralls.
  3. Choose a cleaning solution. You can mix household detergent with water, or if you prefer, you can buy a commercial mold remover.
  4. Apply the cleaner to moldy areas and allow the solution to sit for five minutes.
  5. Scrub with a towel or nonabrasive brush until the mold is gone.
  6. Completely dry the area. Throw away anything which came in contact with the mold.

Cleaning mold can be a time-consuming task, not to mention gross.

You can save yourself the trouble and risks associated with cleaning mold by contacting Metro Duct Cleaners.

Metro Duct Cleaners is a professional Minneapolis/St Paul and Surrounding Area duct cleaner. We have duct cleaning equipment that can reach every section of your HVAC system in order to provide you with the cleanest ducts possible. For a free quote, contact us at (651) 252-4654.

Owner, Metro Duct Cleaners Twin Cities

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